Welcome Genshai Guide
Your human nature is ELEMENTAL
Understanding your true nature means connecting with the fundamental building blocks of what makes you, you.
Forming a deeper connection with the Elements is the simplest way to reconnect with your truest self. It is your human nature to be balanced in being, much the same way the earth is balanced by the elemental forces.

Your Progressive Arrival has Begun
Have you felt unstable in your personal connection and practice?
Do you experience bursts of energy and then bouts of extreme exhaustion?
Is it challenging for you to surrender to the ever- changing experiences life brings?
Are you filled with good ideas but have a difficult time bringing them to life?
It is TIME to come back to NATURE
What are the Genshai Elements?

Water Element
Freedom: Liberate your thoughts and ideas and give us flight. Lifts lift you and breathes into your dreams.

Wind Element
Wind – freedom: Liberate your thoughts and ideas and give us flight. Lifts lift you and breathes into your dreams.
Your Time Is Now!
There is no greater gift than yourself.